Restricting access to CluedIn Clean Basic Authentication

On this page

This article describes how to enable HAProxy Basic Authentication to restrict access to CluedIn Clean page.

Please note that the setup of CluedIn on AKS is not in the scope of this article.


Before you start, make sure you have the following :

  • A working instance of CluedIn on AKS
  • Preferably Azure CLI and Kubectl on your local machine. Otherwise, you can also use Cloud Shell on Azure Portal. The steps described below suppose you are using PowerShell locally.

Create a text file with credentials

Create a text file on your machine, name it auth (with no extension), and put the credentials you want to use for the Clean page. The format should be username::password

You can add multiple users if you wish. The following sample contains two users:


Connect to the AKS cluster

Open PowerShell, then connect to your Azure tenant using the following command (replace values of variables were needed): First, connect to Azure Azure CLI:

For directions on how to get Azure Tenant Id, visit How to find Azure AD tenant ID.

$tenant_id = 'replace with your tenant Id' # your tenant ID
az login --tenant $tenant_id # this line will open the Azure Login page in your browser

Create a secret in AKS

In PowerShell, run the following command:

If you use a specific namespace for the CluedIn cluster, you need to add it to the command. In the following example, we use cluedin. If you are in the default namespace, you don’t need to add the -n $namesapce to the command.

$secret_name = 'cluedin-clean-credentials' # a name of your choice for the secret
$auth_file_path = 'C:\Users\MyUser\AzureResources\auth' # Local path of the auth file created in Step 1
$namespace = 'cluedin' # Namespace of the CluedIn install
kubectl create secret generic $secret_name --from-file $auth_file_path -n $namespace

Add Ingress annotations

Run the following command to add required annotations to the Clean Ingress controller:

$secret_name = 'cluedin-clean-credentials' # secret name created in Step 3
$ingress_name = 'cluedin-clean' # Name of the Clean ingress
$namespace = 'cluedin' # name of the 
kubectl annotate ingress $ingress_name \ \$secret_name -n $namesepace

Restart Clean Deployment

Run the following command to restart the Clean deployment:

$deployment_name = 'clean-cluedin' # name of the Clean deployment
    kubectl scale deployment $deployment_name --replicas=0
    kubectl scale deployment $deployment_name --replicas=1