Credentials and application setup

On this page

  1. Credentials
  2. Setup security roles
  3. Setup application users


To connect to Power Apps, you need to provide your Microsoft 365 credentials in CluedIn settings.

  1. In CluedIn, on the navigation pane, go to Administration > Settings, and then find the PowerApps section.

  2. Complete the following fields with the settings for PowerApps:

    • Base Url

    • Tenant Id

    • Client Id

    • Client Secret

    • Environment Id

    Input Microsoft Purview credentials

    You can find the values for this by navigating to either the PowerApps page or the Power Automate page and checking the Developer Resources information.

    Developer Resources 1

    Developer Resources 2

    Base Url is the Web API endpoint base URL.

  3. For Tenant Id, Client Id, and Client Secret, you can generate this by navigating to your Azure Active Directory > App registration. Please refer to this link.

Setup security roles

The following table lists the minimum role assignment we need to be able to successfully run the PowerApps Connector. Please refer to this link for a detailed explanation of Security roles and privileges.

Table Create Read Write Delete
Solution Organization Organization Organization Organization
Publisher Organization Organization Organization Organization
Entity Organization Organization Organization Organization
Entity Key Organization Organization   Organization
Attribute Organization Organization Organization Organization
System Form Organization Organization Organization Organization
View Organization Organization Organization Organization
Custom Control Default Config Organization   Organization Organization
Process Organization Organization Organization Organization
Custom Tables        
Connection Reference Organization Organization Organization Organization
Connector Organization Organization Organization Organization
Dataflow Organization Organization Organization Organization

Setup application users

Upon setting up your App Registration and Security Roles, we need to register it under the Application User. Please refer to this link for more information.