Google Maps

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This article outlines how to configure the Google Maps enricher. The purpose of this enricher is to provide address-related information. More details can be found in Properties from Google Maps enricher.

The Google Maps enricher supports the following endpoints:

  •{organizationName}{organizationAddress}{organizationCity}{organizationZip}{organizationState}{organizationCountry} – if organization name, address, city, zip, state, and country are provided.

  •{organizationName} – if organization name is provided.

  •{organizationAddress} – if organization address is provided.

  •{location} – if one of the addresses other than organization address is provided.

  •{location}&location={latitude}{longitude} – if one of the addresses other than organization address and latitude and longitude are provided.

  •{latitude}{longitude} – if latitude and longitude are provided.

  •{id} – the ID is taken from the previous text search API (the result of

Add Google Maps enricher

To use the Google Maps enricher, you must provide the API key. To get the API key, follow the instructions here.

To enrich golden records using the Google Maps enricher, ensure they have a specific property (for example, Enrich) set to True. Golden records without this property or with a value other than True will be skipped during enrichment.

The Google Maps enricher can use a variety of attributes for searching the Google Maps Platform:

  • For Organization:

    • A combination of Organization Name, Address, Zip, State, City, Country

    • A combination of Organization Name and Address.

    • Organization Name

    • Organization Address

  • For Location: Location Address

  • For Person:

    • Person Address and Person Address City

    • Person Address

  • For User: User Address

When you’re configuring the Google Maps enricher for a specific entity type, make sure you fill in the relevant fields for that entity type.

To add the Google Maps enricher

  1. On the navigation pane, go to Preparation > Enrich. Then, select Add Enricher.

  2. On the Choose Enricher tab, select Google Maps, and then select Next.


  3. On the Configure tab, provide the following details:

    • API Key – enter the API key for retrieving information from the Google Maps Platform.

    • Accepted Entity Type – enter the entity type to define which golden records will be enriched.

    • Vocabulary Key used to control whether it should be enriched – enter the vocabulary key that indicates if the golden record should be enriched. If the value is true, then the golden record will be enriched. Otherwise, the golden record will not be enriched.

    • Organization Name Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company names that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Organization Address Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company addresses that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Organization City Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains cities that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Organization Zip – enter the vocabulary key that contains company ZIP Codes that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Organization State Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains states that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Organization Country Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains countries that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Location Address Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains location addresses that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • User Address Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains user addresses that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Person Address Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains person addresses that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Person Address City Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains person cities that will be used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Latitude Vocab Key – this field is not currently used for searching the Google Maps Platform.

    • Longitude Vocab Key – this field is not currently used for searching the Google Maps Platform.


  4. Select Add.

    The Google Maps enricher is added and has an active status. This means that it will enrich golden records based on the configuration details during processing or when you trigger external enrichment.

After the Google Maps enricher is added, you can modify its details:

  • Settings – add a user-friendly display name, select the description for data coming from the enricher, and define the source quality for determining the winning values.


  • Authentication – modify the details you provided while configuring the enricher.

Properties from Google Maps enricher

You can find the properties added to golden records from the Google Maps enricher on the Properties page.


For a more detailed information about the changes made to a golden record by the Google Maps enricher, check the corresponding data part on the History page.


The following table lists the properties that can be added to golden records by the Google Maps enricher.

Display name Vocabulary key
Address Components googleMaps.Organization.AddressComponents
Administrative Area Level 1 googleMaps.Organization.AdministrativeAreaLevel1
Administrative Area Level 2 googleMaps.Organization.AdministrativeAreaLevel2
Adr Address googleMaps.Organization.AdrAddress
Business Status googleMaps.Organization.BusinessStatus
City Name googleMaps.Organization.CityName
Country Code googleMaps.Organization.CountryCode
Formatted Address googleMaps.Organization.FormattedAddress
Formatted PhoneNumber googleMaps.Organization.FormattedPhoneNumber
Icon googleMaps.Organization.Icon
Id googleMaps.Organization.Id
International Phone Number googleMaps.Organization.InternationalPhoneNumber
Latitude googleMaps.Organization.Latitude
Longitude googleMaps.Organization.Longitude
Name googleMaps.Organization.Name
Neighborhood googleMaps.Organization.Neighborhood
Opening Hours googleMaps.Organization.OpeningHours
Place Id googleMaps.Organization.PlaceId
Plus Code googleMaps.Organization.PlusCode
Postal Code googleMaps.Organization.PostalCode
Rating googleMaps.Organization.Rating
Reference googleMaps.Organization.Reference
Reviews googleMaps.Organization.Reviews
Scope googleMaps.Organization.Scope
Street Number googleMaps.Organization.StreetNumber
Sub Premise googleMaps.Organization.SubPremise
Types googleMaps.Organization.Types
Url googleMaps.Organization.Url
User Ratings Total googleMaps.Organization.UserRatingsTotal
Utc Offset googleMaps.Organization.UtcOffset
Vicinity googleMaps.Organization.Vicinity
Website googleMaps.Organization.Website
AdministrativeArea googleMaps.Location.AdministrativeArea
Code Country googleMaps.Location.CodeCountry
Code Postal googleMaps.Location.CodePostal
Components Address googleMaps.Location.componentsAddress
Formatted Address googleMaps.Location.formattedAddress
Geometry googleMaps.Location.Geometry
Latitude googleMaps.Location.Latitude
Longitude googleMaps.Location.Longitude
Name googleMaps.Location.Name
Name City googleMaps.Location.NameCity
Name Street googleMaps.Location.NameStreet
Number Street googleMaps.Location.NumberStreet