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This article outlines how to configure the CVR enricher. CVR is the official Danish register of information about businesses. The purpose of CVR enricher is to provide a wide range of information about companies registered in Denmark (for example, CVR numbers, addresses, business type, and so on). More details can be found in Properties from CVR enricher.

To use the CVR enricher, you need to have a valid CVR account. Also, you need to generate the URL for your account, which should look similar to the following: Then, reach out to CluedIn support at to set up the URL for the CVR enricher in your CluedIn instance.

The CVR enricher supports the following endpoint:

  • http://{username}:{password}, where {username} and {password} are the valid credentials for your CVR account.

Add CVR enricher

The enricher requires at least one of the following attributes for searching the CVR register:

  • CVR Code – if your golden records have CVR codes, you can enter the corresponding vocabulary key to configure the enricher. As a result, the enricher will use the CVR code to search the CVR register.

  • Organization Name, Country, and Website – if your golden records do not have CVR codes, you can enter these three attributes to configure the enricher. As a result, the enricher will use the combination of organization name, country, and website to search the CVR register. However, there are some requirements for each attribute.

Requirements for Organization Name

  • The organization name must be a valid company name (with Ltd, Pty, and so on).

  • The organization name must contain at least one of the following values: “dk”, “dk “, “denmark”, “danmark”, “dansk”, “æ”, “ø”, “å”; or the postfix must contain one of the following values: “A/S”, “AS”, “ApS”, “IVS”, “I/S”, “IS”, “K/S”, “KS”, “G/S”, “GS”, “P/S”, “PS”, “Enkeltmandsvirksomhed”, “Forening”, “Partsrederi”, “Selskab”, “virksomhed”. If the organization name does not meet this requirement, then the requirements for country and/or website must be met.

Requirement for Country

  • The country must be either “dk”, “denmark”, or “danmark”. If the country does not meet this requirement, then the requirement for website must be met.

Requirement for Website

  • The website’s top-level domain must end with “.dk” (for example,

To add the CVR enricher

  1. On the navigation pane, go to Preparation > Enrich. Then, select Add Enricher.

  2. On the Choose Enricher tab, select CVR, and then select Next.


  3. On the Configure tab, provide the following details:

    • Accepted Entity Type – enter the entity type to define which golden records will be enriched.

    • Organization Name Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company names that will be used for searching the CVR register.

    • Organization Name Normalization – turn on the toggle if you want to normalize company names that will be used for searching the CVR register. The normalization removes trailing backslashes (\), slashes (/), and vertical bars; also, it changes the names to lowercase. The normalization does not affect company names in CluedIn.

    • Match Past Organization Names – turn on the toggle if you want to allow the enricher to accept data that matches the search text (organization name), even if the name of the latest data in the CVR register doesn’t exactly match the search text. For example, Pfizer ApS is one of the old names of Pfizer A/S; by turning on the toggle, you can search for Pfizer ApS using the search text (Pfizer ApS).

    • CVR Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company CVR codes that will be used for searching the CVR register.

    • Country Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company countries that will be used for searching the CVR register.

    • Website Vocab Key – enter the vocabulary key that contains company websites that will be used for searching the CVR register.


  4. Select Add.

    The CVR enricher is added and has an active status. This means that it will enrich golden records based on the configuration details during processing or when you trigger external enrichment.

After the CVR enricher is added, you can modify its details:

  • Settings – add a user-friendly display name, select the description for data coming from the enricher, and define the source quality for determining the winning values.


  • Authentication – modify the details you provided while configuring the enricher: Accepted Entity Type, Organization Name Vocab Key, Organization Name Normalization, CVR Vocab Key, Country Vocab Key, Website Vocab Key.

Properties from CVR enricher

You can find the properties added to golden records from the CVR enricher on the Properties page.


For a more detailed information about the changes made to a golden record by the CVR enricher, check the corresponding data part on the History page.


The following table lists the properties that can be added to golden records by the CVR enricher.

Display name Vocabulary key
Address Id cvr.address.addressId
Address Line 1 cvr.address.addressLine1
Co Name cvr.address.coName
Country Code cvr.address.countryCode
District cvr.address.district
Door cvr.address.door
Floor cvr.address.floor
Formatted cvr.address.formatted
Free Text cvr.address.freeText
Municipality Code cvr.address.municipalityCode
Municipality Name cvr.address.municipalityName
Po Box cvr.address.poBox
Postal Code cvr.address.postalCode
Street Code cvr.address.streetCode
Street Letter From cvr.address.streetLetterFrom
Street Letter To cvr.address.streetLetterTo
Street Name cvr.address.streetName
Street Number From cvr.address.streetNumberFrom
Street Number To cvr.address.streetNumberTo
Cvr Number cvr.organization.cvrNumber
Opt Out Sales And Advertising cvr.organization.optOutSalesAndAdvertising
Number Of Employees cvr.organization.numberOfEmployees
Start Date cvr.organization.startDate
End Date cvr.organization.endDate
Founding Date cvr.organization.foundingDate
Company Type Code cvr.organization.companyTypeCode
Company Type Short Name cvr.organization.companyTypeShortName
Company Type Long Name cvr.organization.companyTypeLongName
Status cvr.organization.status
Credit Status Code cvr.organization.creditStatusCode
Credit Status Text cvr.organization.creditStatusText
Is Bankrupt cvr.organization.isBankrupt
Phone Number cvr.organization.phoneNumber
Fax Number cvr.organization.faxNumber
Municipality cvr.organization.municipality
Main Industry Code cvr.organization.mainIndustryCode
Main Industry Description cvr.organization.mainIndustryDescription
Other Industry 1 Code cvr.organization.otherIndustry1.code
Other Industry 1 Description cvr.organization.otherIndustry1.description
Other Industry 2 Code cvr.organization.otherIndustry2.code
Other Industry 2 Description cvr.organization.otherIndustry2.description
Other Industry 3 Code cvr.organization.otherIndustry3.code
Other Industry 3 Description cvr.organization.otherIndustry3.description
Production Unit Count cvr.organization.productionUnitCount
Purpose cvr.organization.purpose
Has Share Capital Classes cvr.organization.hasShareCapitalClasses
Registered Capital cvr.organization.registeredCapital
Registered Capital Currency cvr.organization.registeredCapitalCurrency
Fiscal Year Start cvr.organization.fiscalYearStart
Fiscal Year End cvr.organization.fiscalYearEnd
First Fiscal Year Start cvr.organization.firstFiscalYearStart
First Fiscal Year End cvr.organization.firstFiscalYearEnd
Financial Report Summary Year cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.year
Financial Report Summary Equity cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.equity
Financial Report Summary Gross Profit Loss cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.grossProfitLoss
Financial Report Summary Liabilities And Equity cvr.organization.inancialReportSummary.liabilitiesAndEquity
Financial Report Summary Profit Loss cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.profitLoss
Financial Report Summary Profit Loss From Ordinary Activities Before Tax cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.profitLossFromOrdinaryActivitiesBeforeTax
Financial Report Summary Currency cvr.organization.financialReportSummary.currency
Financial Report Summary Link