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In this article, you will learn how to ingest data into CluedIn using an endpoint. This method is a default solution to push your data easily into CluedIn, especially if you are using tools like Azure Data Factory, Databricks, or Apache NiFi.

The process of ingesting data using an endpoint involves two steps:

  1. Adding an ingestion point

  2. Sending data in HTTP POST request

Before loading data into CluedIn, ensure that it does not contain unsupported characters. Refer to our knowledge base article for information about supported and unsupported characters.

Overview of data ingestion using an endpoint

When you need to push a large set of records into CluedIn, we recommend that you start by pushing a small, representative subset of your data. As with files, this approach allows you to verify the accuracy of mapping and relations before pushing a large set of records. Once the golden records generated from this subset align with your expectations, you can safely remove those records from the system, while keeping the mapping configuration intact. After that you can push a large set of records and use the existing mapping to generate golden records in an efficient way.

The data ingestion process for endpoints consists of two stages: parsing and loading. Due to performance and scalability considerations, CluedIn defers parsing tasks to data source processing rather than executing them in real time. As a result, while CluedIn promptly receives your request, it cannot ensure the validity of the sent data. Once CluedIn receives the data, it initially stores it in a temporary storage, accessible through the Preview tab. To turn the received data into golden records, you need to map it to the semantic model and then process it.

CluedIn provides the following processing options for turning your data into golden records:

  • Manual processing - when CluedIn receives the data from the endpoint, you are required to process the data manually. You can view the received data in the temporary storage at any time, and you can process the data set as many times as you need. In CluedIn, once a record has been processed, it won’t undergo processing again. When you trigger processing, CluedIn will check for identical records. If identical records are found, they won’t be processed again. However, if you change the origin code for the previously processed records, CluedIn will treat these records as new and process them.

  • Automatic processing - when CluedIn receives the data from the endpoint, this data is processed automatically. You can view the received data in the temporary storage at any time.

  • Bridge mode – all your JSON records will be transformed into golden records directly, without being stored in the temporary storage. However, you can rely on data set logs for debugging purposes.

    Bridge mode allows you to use less storage and memory, resulting in increased performance. Use this mode when your mapping will not change over time and you want to use the ingestion endpoint only as a mapper.

When you send the data to CluedIn via ingestion point, a separate data set is created. If you want to send more data, add a new ingestion point instead of reusing the existing one.

Add ingestion point

An ingestion point is a channel through which CluedIn can receive data from external sources.

To add an ingestion point

  1. On CluedIn home page, in the Integrations section, select Import from ingestion point.

    The Import from ingestion point pane opens, where you can choose the group for storing the data source and define preliminary mapping configuration.

  2. On the Configure tab, do the following:

    1. Enter the Name of the data source.

    2. Specify the Group where the data source will be stored. You can choose the existing group or create a new group.

    3. In the lower-right corner, select Next.

  3. On Add ingestion point tab, do the following:

    1. Enter the Endpoint name that will be used as the name of the data set.

    2. Select the Mapping configuration option:

      • New mapping – you can create a new mapping for the data set. If you choose this option, you need to select the existing entity type or create a new one. If you create a new entity type, select an icon to visually represent the entity type.

      • Existing mapping – you can reuse the mapping from the data set that has the same structure. If you choose this option, you need to indicate the data set with the required mapping configuration. To do that, choose the following items one by one: a data source group, a data source, and a data set.

    3. In the lower-right corner, select Add.

    The ingestion point is added to CluedIn. It has a label No data sent, which indicates that CluedIn has not received data for this ingestion point.


    Now, you can send data to CluedIn by creating HTTP POST requests.

Send data

In this section, Postman is used as a tool to demonstrate how to send an HTTP POST request to CluedIn.


To be accepted by CluedIn, your HTTP POST request should meet the following prerequisites:

  • The request’s authorization type should be set to Bearer Token and the value should be a valid API token from CluedIn. You can find the API token in CluedIn in Administration > API Tokens.

  • The request’s body should contain raw data in JSON format.


  • The content-type in the request’s header should be set to application/json.


To send data to CluedIn

  1. In CluedIn, open the data set that was created in the previous procedure, and then select View instructions.

    On the Ingestion point instructions pane, find and copy the POST URL that you can use to send data to CluedIn.


  2. In Postman, paste the URL that you copied to the URL input field of your request. Then, send the request.

    The data has been sent to CluedIn. You can now view it on the Preview tab of the data set. The next steps involve creating a mapping and processing the data.