Restricting access to CluedIn Clean via SSO Authentication

On this page

This article describes how to enable your selected SSO provider to restrict access to the CluedIn Clean page.

Please note that the setup of CluedIn on AKS is not in the scope of this article.


Before you start, make sure you have the following :

  • A working instance of CluedIn on AKS
  • Preferably Azure CLI and Kubectl on your local machine. Otherwise, you can also use Cloud Shell on Azure Portal. The steps described below suppose you are using PowerShell locally.

Configure your SSO provider

You must register the appropriate redirect uris for your SSO provider. When using Azure App registrations you can do this under the Authentication section: App Registration

Provide the full url of the address to be protected followed by /oauth2/callback e.g.

Connect to the AKS cluster

Open PowerShell, then connect to your Azure tenant using the following command (replace values of variables were needed): First, connect to Azure Azure CLI:

For directions on how to get Azure Tenant Id, visit How to find Azure AD tenant ID.

$tenant_id = 'replace with your tenant Id' # your tenant ID
az login --tenant $tenant_id # this line will open the Azure Login page in your browser

Configuration of OAuth2

  1. Generate a cookie secret based on a known password. E.g. Run the following in PowerShell
     $myPassword = 'mySuperStrong(!)Password'
  2. Push the secret to the cluster using kubectl
     $secretName = 'oauth2-proxy-config'
     $clientIdFromSsoProvider = '12345...'
     $clientSecretFromSsoProvider = '12345...'
     $cluedinNamespace = 'cluedin'
     kubectl create secret generic $secretName --from-literal=OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID=$clientIdFromSsoProvider --from-literal=OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET=$clientSecretFromSsoProvider --from-literal=OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET=$myPassword -n $cluedinNamespace

Apply values for Helm chart

Prior to CluedIn 3.3.0 all versions of CluedIn were installed using the helm chart cluedin/cluedin.

From 3.3.0 a new chart cluedin/cluedin-platform is used to support improved flexiblity and control of an install.

Using chart cluedin/cluedin (All CluedIn releases until 3.2.5)

  1. In the values.yaml for your deployment, configure the oauth2 section
         enabled: true
           - clean # Include the clean service and any others you want to configure
           - seq
           - openrefine
           - grafana-admin
           - prometheus-admin
             OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAIN: # Match to your SSO provider domain
         secretRefName: oauth2-proxy-config # Match to the secret name in step 2
  2. Apply the changes using helm
     # For new installs
     helm install -f values.yaml cluedin cluedin/cluedin
     # To upgrade an existing install
     helm upgrade -f values.yaml cluedin cluedin/cluedin

Using chart cluedin/cluedin-platform (All CluedIn releases 3.3.0 and up)

  1. In the values.yaml for your deployment, configure the oauth2 section
             enabled: true
             - clean # Include the clean service and any others you want to configure
             - seq
             - openrefine
             - grafana-admin
             - prometheus-admin
                 OAUTH2_PROXY_EMAIL_DOMAIN: # Match to your SSO provider domain
             secretRefName: oauth2-proxy-config # Match to the secret name in step 2
  2. Apply the changes using helm
     # For new installs
     helm install -f values.yaml cluedin cluedin/cluedin-platform
     # To upgrade an existing install
     helm upgrade -f values.yaml cluedin cluedin/cluedin-platform

For additional configuration options, see: